Full Name Form of participation Title of the Artwork Comments of the members of the Expert Council

Nomination "Architecture"

Kaminskaya Julia Sergeevna


All shades of blue in Chefchaouen / Все оттенки синего в городе Шефшауэн

"Good composition, perspective and depth. Good use of limited palette." 
Michal Barkai (USA).

"Приятные оттенки сине-голубого цвета придают особый фон улочке. Затертые ступеньки привлекают взгляд и приглашают к восхождению по ним." 
Alena Rachinger (Germany).

"Original monochrome work. Beautiful perspective very well achieved. The very well expressed atmosphere of a street in the old city reminds me of my own childhood."
Jose del Riego (Spain).

"Nice use of Pastel medium. Good control over colour scheme. The dynamic design is creating good movement in composition." 
Rahul Deshpande (India).

"Впечатлила атмосфера марокканского города с его узкими старинными улицами, которая передана сходящейся в небо перспективой." 
Irina Orlova (Russia)

Martynova Marina Anatolievna / Мартынова Марина Анатольевна


Evening St. Petersburg

"Сочетание удачно подобранных  цветов создает сумрачную атмосферу картины. Что великолепно передает состояние вечернего города."
Alena Rachinger (Germany).

"Main emphasis of the composition is on the architectural structure in the landscape. Good composition and handling of pastel technique along with colors creates an interesting atmospheric mood."
Gopal Nandurkar (India)

Kaipova Ekaterina Nikolaevna / Каипова Екатерина Николаевна



"The artist has created an excellent composition with knowledge and ability to depict the many differing styles of architecture in this cityscape. The cool colours of the sky and river beautifully complement the warm colours of the buildings. It is a bold and brave painting with so much interesting detail in a realistic impression of this crowded city crowned by the majestic cathedral dominating the buildings. A wonderful painting." 
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Kokorina Elena Valerevna / Кокорина Елена Валерьевна


Winter Voronezh

"Well done drawing connecting with the viewer. Michal Barkai (USA). Легкость, гармония, умеренный выбор цвета, удачное применение основного цвета  бумаги присутствуют в картине."
Alena Rachinger (Germany).

"The artist has captured the freshness of the expression of this young girl with simple drawing skills and the captivating gaze of the eyes.The hair is rendered well with a variety of skilful strokes. A very compelling portrait." 
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Shuvalova Ekaterina Borisovna / Шувалова Екатерина Борисовна in-person Clear noon at the end of summer / Ясный полдень на исходе лета
It interested me that this pastel work was composed of many strokes in different directions, and the contrast between the warm and cool colors made it successful.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Nomination "Water essence"

Protchenko Nataliya Sergeevna / Протченко Наталия Сергеевна


Krestovsky pond / Крестовский пруд

"J'ai beaucoup aime dans ce tableau l'harmonie coloree subtile et elegante te ainsi que la composition tres  equilibree. Bravo un tres  beau paysage d'eau paisible"
Michelle Caussin-Bellon (France).

"Очень тонко и нежно передан контраст весеннего солнца, еще спящего леса и талой воды."
Irina Orlova (Russia)

Tkachenko Elena Vladimirovna / Ткаченко Елена Владимировна


Sea.Gurzuf / Море.Гурзуф

"Excellent use of techniques and good use of colours resulted in fine Pictorial Harmony."
Rahul Deshpande (India)

Yu-Wei Lin


Golden Coast

"This work expresses very well, and without excessive detail, the luminosity of the sunset at sea. I like the atmosphere of peace and serenity that it transmits."
Jose del Riego (Spain)

Trifonov Alexander Evgenievich / Трифонов Александр Евгеньевич


Spring water / Весенняя вода

"This painting is explicit in symbolising the essence of water. It shows the power and strength of the rush of Spring’s excessive deluge captured in the forceful flow of the river roaring over the rocks. The artist has captured the solidity of the rocks and the froth and foam of the waterfalls. A very evocative pastel painting, confidently and masterfully realised."
Anne Taylor (Australia).

"A skillful depiction of fluid and solid surfaces in a tight scene of rapids and rocks, both above and submerged. Good use of color temperature."
Michal Barkai (USA)

Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


Прибой / Surf


Nomination: "Still Life"

Guskova Irina Yuryevna / Гуськова Ирина Юрьевна


Blue carafe / Синий графин

"This painting is beautifully rendered - the composition has a blue carafe taking centre stage. The blue and white flower arrangement, flanked by the two white and blue vases, are given a pale green apple to echo the same pale green hue in the hydrangea in the small blue vase. The lace doily is superbly painted with the shadowing placed accurately on and beneath it as well as on the wall behind the flowers. A limited cool palette is used to expertly create a very tranquil delicate painting. Lovely work."
Anne Taylor (Australia).

"Classic composition. Skillful rendering of form and surface, good detail and wonderful reflections."
Michal Barkai (USA)

Kaunenko Natalya Viktorovna / Кауненко Наталья Викторовна


Memory of summer / Воспоминание о лете

"This work masterfully combines realism, simplicity and elegance. I love the harmony of colors using a reduced palette."
Jose del Riego (Spain)

"Interesting, beyond realistic, still life composition and palette."
Michal Barkai (USA).

"Очень хорош легкий графический , даже "эстетский", стиль. Работы несомненно яркие и талантливые. Автор не перебирает предметы, а создает графическую  уникальную композицию."
Sergei Oussik - Сергей Усик (Russia)

The contrast between the gray background and the red subject matter made this work stand out, creating a dramatic effect. Even the small details on the yarn ball made this art work interesting and pop out.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Kaunenko Natalya Viktorovna / Кауненко Наталья Викторовна


Still life with laurel / Натюрморт с лавром

"Good Drawing quality. Nice colour scheme, carefully done composition and nice application of Pastel is reflecting a fine taste!!"
Rahul Deshpande (India)

"Очень хорош легкий графический , даже "эстетский", стиль. Работы несомненно яркие и талантливые. Автор не перебирает предметы, а создает графическую  уникальную композицию."
Sergei Oussik - Сергей Усик (Russia)

Using a gray tone for a still life is unusual and makes this artwork unique. The small picture on the left side with color is surprising and I think it is a clever idea because it attracts the eye, where usually the background is more faded and subject matter is bright.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Mikhaseva Olga Vadimovna / Михасева Ольга Вадимовна


Pirate still life. Option VII. Trophies / Пиратский натюрморт. Вариант VII. Трофеи

"Very nice work in all aspects, such as good composition, tonal values, controlled use of tones and colors creates a very good realistic mood of the painting."
Gopal Nandurkar (India)

Zhadenova Natalya Vladimirovna / Жаденова Наталья Владимировна


Multifruit / Мультифрукт

"Superbe realisation avec une tres grande maitrise de la matiere traitee de maniere hyperrealiste avec un sujet tres moderne et une composition tres interessante voir humoristique. C'est un tableau tres abouti et tres reussi"
Michelle Caussin-Bellon (France).

"Контраст, выразительность, насыщенность цветов искуссно переданы на черной велюровой поверхности. Наличие в картине незначительной детали делает ее загадочной."
Alena Rachinger (Germany).

"This is a most competently painted lively composition on a black velvet background which makes it really eye-catching. The reflections and angles are cleverly depicted, particularly shown in the gentle slopes of the box, the tops of the wineglasses and the level of the lemon-coloured liquid. All of the surfaces of the objects are extremely realistic, and accurately and proficiently painted."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


Чайник с лимоном/ Teapot and lemon

"I like this drawing worked with precision and care, the elegance and sobriety in the composition, and the reduced use of colors."
Jose del Riego (Spain)

Nomination: "Landscape"

Protchenko Nataliya Sergeevna / Протченко Наталия Сергеевна


Twilight in the Meshchersky Forest / Сумерки в Мещерском лесу


Protchenko Nataliya Sergeevna / Протченко Наталия Сергеевна


Sunny day in the field under the wedge / Солнечный день в поле под Клином»

"Clever composition with nice use of warm and cool colours is creating vibration in the picture. I like the colour application method."
Rahul Deshpande (India).

"Лучший пейзаж  по цвету - он полон воздуха и мазков настоящего чистого цвета. Если бы не совсем продуманная композиция, можно было бы считать эту работу побетителем в жанре пейзажа."
Sergei Oussik - Сергей Усик (Russia)

This landscape artwork reflects how the artist is very experienced in the use of color, as the pastel work is very vibrant and full of life, and the soft focus makes this work beautiful.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Protchenko Nataliya Sergeevna / Протченко Наталия Сергеевна


February spring / Февральская весна

"Точно передан свет неба и его отражение в проталинах. Чувствуется приближение весны!"
Irina Orlova (Russia)

Protchenko Nataliya Sergeevna / Протченко Наталия Сергеевна


Western wall of Yoshkar-Ola / Западная стена Йошкар-Олы

"The author has managed, with very few strokes and great economy of means, to wonderfully express the majesty of the high mountains."
Jose del Riego (Spain)

Trifonov Alexander Evgenievich / Трифонов Александр Евгеньевич


Dry wood / Сухое дерево


Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


Балтийский берег / Baltic Seaside

"Гармония нежно-голубого и рыжевато-коричневого  цвета, перcпектива  уходящего вдаль берега придают особый шарм картине."
Alena Rachinger (Germany)

This artist uses dreamy colors for this simple but powerful landscape artwork.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


У озера / By the Lake

"Good expression of depth. The different planes are well worked. I like the serene atmosphere that its author has managed to capture."
Jose del Riego (Spain).

"Работа с лучшей "классической" композицией. Передана атмосфера и любовь художника к изображаемому. Пожелание (замечание) автору- в отражениях пытаться  искать чистый цвет."
Sergei Oussik - Сергей Усик (Russia)

This artwork presents a very clear contrast between the subject matter and the background, and this artist understands how to control the amount of detail to put into different parts of the art work.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


Старые мостки / Old bridges

"Magnifique paysage digne des grands maitres peintres du XVIII eme siecle mais avec un cote tres s contemporain dans sa composition  et dans sa realisation .Bravo a l'artiste superbe tableau!"
Michelle Caussin-Bellonn (France).

"Interesting and challenging perspective. Skillful rendering of surfaces – man made, natural, fluid and reflective. Good sense of indirect light."
Michal Barkai (USA).

"Приятная атмосфера уединения с природой переданы в картине. Размытость отраженных в реке  деревьев придаёт ощущение спокойного течения воды. Великолепная работа!"
Alena Rachinger (Germany).

"This painting is almost photo-realistic with the superb reflections of the bushes on the opposite riverbank and the merest suggestions of moving water.The little jetty is the main focus of the picture. The unusual focal point of the composition is competently painted, and helps create a very placid, pleasant scene."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Plesnetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna / Плеснецова Наталья Александровна


Облака / Clouds

"Seemingly simple subject, yet very powerful. Delicate application of pastels and skillful use of soft edges are true to the subject matter. For me, this one stood above the rest."
Michal Barkai (USA)

Yu-Wei Lin in-absentia Boats by the Lake
The lakeside depicted in this artwork appears very quiet, but the use of bright colors creates an impressionistic effect.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Nomination: "Portrait"

Kulba Maria Alexandrovna / Кульба Мария Александровна


Earth / Земля

Kriminskaya Zoya Karlovna / Криминская Зоя Карловна


Portrait of Natasha / Портрет Наташи

Volchkova Natalya Vladimirovna / Волчкова Наталья Владимировна


Portrait of daughter / Портрет дочери

Nomination: "Symbolic picture"

Vyazovskaya Olga Vladimirovna / Вязовская Ольга Владимировна


“Requiem” (Dedicated to Anna Akhmatova / «Реквием» (Посвящается Анне Ахматовой


CHEN, Li-Chen


In love with the fields of Taiwanese indigenous tribe 愛戀原鄉


Orlova Iraida Ivanovna / Орлова Ираида Ивановна



 This artwork uses many combinations of warm and cool colors, making the piece seem like it is moving. The combination of color contrasts and geometric shapes makes this a successful abstract piece.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Orlova Iraida Ivanovna / Орлова Ираида Ивановна



"Imaginative, complex and dynamic composition managing a wide range of Color, form, texture and space successfully."
Michal Barkai (USA).

"This is a very clever, expertly abstracted pastel painting of the favourite flowers of the woman who has passed into her eternal sleep. The symbolic design of the leaves and patterns in the base of the picture drift upward, catch the vertical lines and then are redirected towards the upper right. The intersecting tracks for the eye to follow lead to the focal point of the woman. Great painting."
Anne Taylor (Australia).

"Beautiful Pictorial Harmony. Concept, design and technique are singing very well together. Nice use of colour is elevating the visual experience."
Rahul Deshpande (India)

Kramorova Victoria Igorevna / Краморова Виктория Игоревна



"An intriguing image balancing the real and imaginary and the ties between. Skillfully rendered. Interesting cropping and placement of focal point."
Michal Barkai (USA).

"This work, with a very careful and precise drawing, despite the difficult composition, achieves a suggestive mix of the real and the dreamlike / symbolic."
Jose del Riego (Spain)

CHEN, Li-Chen in-absentia Bodhisattva of Great Compassion 風采觀音
This artwork is a nice piece of modern art, but it reflects oriental religion of Buddhism and other elements such as meditation and Zen.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Nomination: "Thematic composition"

Yu-Wei Lin


Are You Thirsty,  Elephant?

"A “solid” depiction of rocky shore making good use of value and color temperature. Good sense of depth and light."
Michal Barkai (USA).

"Good use of techniques with sound design supporting the concept use of colour is helping the composition."
Rahul Deshpande (India)

Pilauri Gela Vakhtangovich / Пилаури Гела Вахтангович



"This dancer has such a beautifully elegant, graceful pose, which immediately indicates the competency of the artist in the knowledge of the contours of the muscles and bone structure of the figure. A very appealing pastel drawing."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Shuvalova Ekaterina Borisovna / Шувалова Екатерина Борисовна


Soars over human fuss / Взмывает над людскою суетой


Shuvalova Ekaterina Borisovna / Шувалова Екатерина Борисовна


Witnesses of both take-offs and losses / Свидетели и взлетов, и потерь


Nomination: "Fauna"

Kaipova Ekaterina Nikolaevna / Каипова Екатерина Николаевна


Mom is always there / Мама всегда рядом

"This is a very gentle painting of giraffe love. The artist has portrayed the markings of these animals superbly."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

The character of the giraffes in this artwork makes it alive and portrays the love between the animals, and the contrast between the black background and the bright colors of the subject matter makes it stand out.
Jason Chang (Taiwan)

Nomination: "Flora"

Goncharenko Natalya Nikolaevna / Гончаренко Наталья Николаевна


Beautiful flowers


Artyomova Lyudmila Viktorovna / Артёмова Людмила Викторовна




Trifonov Alexander Evgenievich / Трифонов Александр Евгеньевич


Thistle / Чертополох

"The unusual aspect of the subject matter is very dominant. The thistles are depicted against the backdrop of the field and hills behind and this gives an appropriate colour scheme for these plants. The artist shows confident competence in the manipulation of the pastels in this painting."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Nomination: "Pastel Experiments"

Bryksa Yana Edwardovna / Брыкса Яна Эдвардовна


Shards of Empires / Осколки империй

"This painting is imaginative in design with the colouring kept cool. The artist has kept the outlines of the subject matter and the concept is quite intriguing."
Anne Taylor (Australia)

Evdokimova Tatyana Yurievna / Евдокимова Татьяна Юрьевна


Porch / Подъезд

"Excellent experiment with, use of colour and colour application technique."
Rahul Deshpande (India)