Contacts in Moscow
- Moscow, Kievskaya str. 2, 4th floor of TGC "Kyiv", Center for Contemporary Arts "Art-Commune",
- +7 925 5068044; WhatsApp: +7 925 0223303
- +7 495 1182277
- +7 925 4338821
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: Euroartweek
ICQ: 439-001-943Phone:+7 (495) 5068044+7 (925) 4338821WhatsApp / Telegram:
+7 925) 0223303
Phone & Fax
+7 (495) 1182221How to go to the organizing committee of the PASTELium Contest:
119049, Moscow, Krymsky Val St., 8/2, 1st floor, cabinet "Union of Artists"
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