The following works will be presented at the exhibition in Moscow: "Finalists of the contest "PASTELIUM, 2020-summer, Moscow"

Instructions for Finalists:

1) Информация для всех участников:

а) attendance at the exhibition is possible only if have protective equipment defined by the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow - masks and gloves
b) participants visit the exhibition for free;
c) cost of entrance to the exhibition for visitors by following categories (access to the following exhibitions - Watercolorium, Pastelium, Art-Portrait, Zen Art):
- member of the Moscow Union of Artists or the Eurasian Art Union - free of charge;
- members of other unions - 150 rubles (buy a ticket);
- pensioners, veterans of the Second World War - free of charge;
- student (with student card) - 100 rubles (buy a ticket);
- other groups of visitors - 300 rubles (buy a ticket);
d) entrance ticket does not give the right to visit a lecture hall or film screening (additional registration is required)

2) original-in person participants: information for authors who submitted their participation in the competition with the original painting:
а) The original/in-person participant of the exhibition should transport his works to the exhibition:
     - Date of works acceptance: June 23, 2020, from 11:00 to 14:00
     - address: Moscow, Kuznetskiy Most street 20, metro station "Kuznetskiy Most" (see "The scheme of passage to the exhibition from the metro")
b) works must be prepared for exposure: have hooks, loops, luvers, etc. for suspension on the vertical wall, have a registration label in the right lower corner.
c) the author or his representative, who brings the paintings to the exhibition, must fill in the "Transfer Card" (download in format Word, PDF)

3) copy / in-absentia / distance participants: information for authors declaring their participation in the form of photocopies:
а) the author has the right to re-register his absentee participation to in-person / original form;
b) the organizing committee prints the files sent by the author on watercolor paper, draws up and places at the exhibition, in the original size. Reducing the size of the photocopy relative to the original is not welcome;
c) the absentee must pay the administrative fee for printing and designing (see payment methods):
   -  format up to A3: free of charge (on paper + exposition without a mat, in an artbook);
   -  A3 Format: 15 euro / object (on watercolor paper + passepartout exposure / cardboard backing / frame);
   -  A2 Format: 20 euro / object (on watercolor paper + passepartout exposure / cardboard backing / frame);
   -  A1 Format: 35 euro / object (on watercolor paper + passepartout exposure / cardboard backing / frame)
d) at the end of the exhibition, the author can receive printed photocopies on watercolor paper for free.

4) information for all authors:
а) all participants of the PASTELium contest are published in the catalog "PASTELIUM in the World. Moscow";
b) все участники получают дипломы участника или победителя, в соответствии с полученным баллом;
c) participants who receive feedback and comments from jury members receive a special diploma in which the text of this review is published;
d) lists of finalists of the 2020-summer, Moscow season contest are given in the section "Finalists 2020, Moscow",
e) photo galleries of all participants are posted in section "Photo Gallery of Participants 2020, Moscow";
f) competitive works rating (points received) will be posted in the "Participants" section after the exhibition.

We invite everyone to visit the PATELium exhibitions, Watercolorium, Art-Portrait, Zen Art from June 24 to June 30, 2020, 12: 00-20: 00.
Address: Moscow, Kuznetskiy Most street 20, metro station "Kuznetskiy Most" (see ("The scheme of passage to the exhibition from the metro")
Анонс ближайшей выставки:
Москва, Россия
2-5 апреля 2020 года,
Московский Гостиный Двор (ул.Ильинка, д.4) Подробнее
gostiny dvor
Подробнее - Пресс-релиз


Ближайшая выставка: Москва, Россия
2-5 апреля 2020 года, Московский Гостиный Двор (ул.Ильинка, д.4) 
Регистрация: до 16 февраля 2020г.