- By: Super User
- In: Entry Rules
- Hits: 2168
2) Upload files to https://ru.files.fm or https://files.fm, the website will generate links for each of your work (these links have to be inserted into the registration form later);
3) Fill in the registration form below.
(for one work – one registration form)
- By: Super User
- In: Entry Rules
- Hits: 2670
Download Press release (in format Word, PDF)
The international pastel contest "PASTELIUM" was founded by the World Fund of Arts with the goal of promoting pastel art all over the world, opening a broad look at several interpretations of this graphic technique beyond any geographic boundary. The project aims to disseminate and exchange cultures among artists of all nationalities to help talented people gain new perspectives and additional opportunities to take part in relevant international art events.
The competition is attended by pastel artists of any nationality and from any country from 17 years and older.
The international pastel contest "PASTELIUM" is held in different countries of the world. In 2021, exhibitions will be held in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Florence, Tel Aviv, Brussels, Prague, Beijing.
Next exhibitions "Pastelium can be seen here
Characteristics of the submitted works:
Submitted works should be written using at least 80% soft pastel; without oil pastels.Nu pastels and other "more complex" pastels are considered soft pastels. The use of other materials is allowed, maximum 20%.
1. Landscape;
2. Architecture;
3. Portrait;
4. Still life;
5. Fauna;
6. Flora;
7. Water essence;
8. Symbolic picture;
9. Thematic composition / storytelling picture;
10. Pastel experiments.
The organizers are especially proud of the composition of the members of the Expert Council / jury, whose professional opinion will help determine the best works that are submitted to the competition.
The general list of jury members is given in the section "Expert Council"
Among them:
Jason Chang (Тайвань, Pastel Society of America)
José del Riego (Spain, Pastel Society of Spain, ASPAS)
Emanuela Terragnoli (Italy, Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona)
Sergei Oussik (Russia)
Alena Rachinger (Germany, Pastel Society of Germany)
Anne Taylor (Australia, Pastel Society of Australia)
Dolores Saul (Germany, Pastel Society of Germany)
Helen C. Iaea (USA, Pastel Society of USA)
Irina Orlova (Russia, National Union of Pastels)
Javad Soleimanpour (Turkey, Pastel Society of Turkey)
Michelle Caussin-Bellon (France, Pastel Society of France)
Pishuang Hsiao (Taiwan, Pastel Society of Taiwan)
Susan E Roden (USA, Pastel Society of America)
A complete list of jury members can be found here
All participants of the PASTELIUM International Pastel Contest eligible to participate in the contest will be published in International catalogue "PASTELium in World". Catalogue structure: winners are published in the first part, and the remaining participants in the second part. Comments of pastel masters from the jury members who wrote a few words about the work they liked will also be published in catalogue.
Producer: World Fund of Arts
Partners: Pastel Society of America, Pastel Society of Spain, ASPAS, Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona, Eurasian Art Union, NextArt Global Art Agency
We are waiting for you at an incredible holiday - a collection of professional dry pastels paintings from around the world!
Project website: www.pastelium.com
- By: Super User
- In: Entry Rules
- Hits: 8559

Bank's name: Luminor Bank AS
IBN: LV54RIKO0001050163619
Person: Fedors Filkovs
After payment you need to send a screenshot of the payment to the organizing committee email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizational fee payment address: euroartweek@yahoo.*com (must be removed *)
(for payment you need to log in to the site paypal.com)


payment in Belarusian rubles of the Republic of Belarus (in the format Word, PDF)
payment in Belarusian rubles of the Republic of Belarus (in the format Excel, PDF)

(for payment you need to log in to the site yandex.ru)

Rubles: Russia: R258791928538
Rubles Belarus: B349699385459
Hryvnia of Ukraine: U630212189139
Euros: E549941348004
USA Dollar: Z337971392411

Payment of the organizational fee is possible through the WesternUnion system both through the offices of this organization and via the Internet (link to payment "Pay online through WesternUnion").
Recipient 's name: Find out in the organizing committee
city: Moscow
country: Russian Federation
For payment in euros (€):
Beneficiary Bank: PJSC ROSBANK , Moscow
SWIFT: RSBNRUMM corr.acc. 003013100930
Correspondent Bank: Societe Generale S.A.
Address: Paris, France
BENEFICIARY’S ACC: 40702978997960000057
Details of payment: Participation in the International Contest “PASTELium”.
Payment in dollars of USA ($), for participants from America:
Beneficiary Bank: PJSC ROSBANK , Moscow
SWIFT: RSBNRUMM corr.acc. 890-0372-508 with
Correspondent Bank: The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation SWIFT IRVT US3N
BENEFICIARY’S ACC: 40702840897960000065
Details of payment: Participation in the International Contest “PASTELium”.
ООО «Искусство будущего», ОГРН 1167746468757
ИНН 7723446953 , КПП 772301001,
р/сч 40702810509000031244,
Филиал Центральный ПАО Банк «ФК Открытие», г.Москва,
к/сч 30101810945250000297, БИК 044525297.
Назначение платежа: за участие в Международном конкурсе "ПАСТЕЛиум".
For payment in belorussian rubles:
Индивидуальный Предприниматель Рыбакова Людмила Анатольевна
ИНН 190793570,
р/сч 3013100591014, в ЦБУ № 705,
г. Минск, ул.О.Кошевого,9
код 153001369
Назначение платежа: за участие в Международном конкурсе "ПАСТЕЛиум".
- By: Super User
- In: Entry Rules
- Hits: 3252
You can submit any number of works. Both single works and series are allowed to participate (up to three drawings in each series). For series, each sheet is to be paid separately. Triptychs and diptychs are considered to be a single work.
Cost of participation:
(copy of receipt of payment is to be sent along with registration materials)
a) 1 sheet: 2,000 rubles or 35 euros;
b) 2 sheets: 3,600 rubles or 60 euros;
c) 3 sheets: 4,800 rubles or 80 euros;
r) 4 sheets: 5,600 rubles or 95 euros;
d) 5 sheets: 6000 rubles or 100 euros.
FOR NON-MEMBERS (join and pay less):
a) 1 sheet: 2600 rubles or 45 euros;
b) 2 sheets: 4,800 rubles or 80 euros;
c) 3 sheets: 6,600 rubles or 110 euros;
r) 4 sheets: 8,000 rubles or 135 euros;
d) 5 sheets: 9,000 rubles or 150 euros.
The number of works that can be submitted by one author is unlimited. The price is indicated for one work for the competition in one city (the list of cities and the schedule are shown on the page "Geography of the competition").
At the final there are two possible forms of presentation of works - originals and photocopies:
a) Originals: authors provide works designed for the exhibition.
b) Photocopies: works that the author cannot present personally, will be printed, designed and placed in the exhibition of finalists.
(paid only by authors whose works are allowed to the final in the form of a "photocopy")
a) Format A3: printing in Art-book without extra charge, only E.G. contribution;
b) Format up to A3: 800 rubles per sheet (on paper + exhibition on the passport / cardboard substrate / frame);
Go to the section "Methods of payment of registration fees"

Bank's name: Luminor Bank AS
IBN: LV54RIKO0001050163619
Person: Fedors Filkovs
After payment you need to send a screenshot of the payment to the organizing committee email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizational fee payment address: euroartweek@yahoo.*com (must be removed *)
(for payment you need to log in to the site paypal.com)


payment in Belarusian rubles of the Republic of Belarus (in the format Word, PDF)
payment in Belarusian rubles of the Republic of Belarus (in the format Excel, PDF)

(for payment you need to log in to the site yandex.ru)

Rubles: Russia: R258791928538
Rubles Belarus: B349699385459
Hryvnia of Ukraine: U630212189139
Euros: E549941348004
USA Dollar: Z337971392411

Payment of the organizational fee is possible through the WesternUnion system both through the offices of this organization and via the Internet (link to payment "Pay online through WesternUnion").
Recipient 's name: Find out in the organizing committee
city: Moscow
country: Russian Federation
For payment in euros (€):
Beneficiary Bank: PJSC ROSBANK , Moscow
SWIFT: RSBNRUMM corr.acc. 003013100930
Correspondent Bank: Societe Generale S.A.
Address: Paris, France
BENEFICIARY’S ACC: 40702978997960000057
Details of payment: Participation in the International Contest “PASTELium”.
Payment in dollars of USA ($), for participants from America:
Beneficiary Bank: PJSC ROSBANK , Moscow
SWIFT: RSBNRUMM corr.acc. 890-0372-508 with
Correspondent Bank: The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation SWIFT IRVT US3N
BENEFICIARY: NextArt Co.Ltd. BENEFICIARY’S ACC: 40702840897960000065
Details of payment: Participation in the International Contest “PASTELium”.
ООО «Искусство будущего», ОГРН 1167746468757
ИНН 7723446953 , КПП 772301001,
р/сч 40702810509000031244,
Филиал Центральный ПАО Банк «ФК Открытие», г.Москва,
к/сч 30101810945250000297, БИК 044525297.
Назначение платежа: за участие в Международном конкурсе "ПАСТЕЛиум".
For payment in belorussian rubles:
Индивидуальный Предприниматель Рыбакова Людмила Анатольевна
ИНН 190793570,
р/сч 3013100591014, в ЦБУ № 705,
г. Минск, ул.О.Кошевого,9
код 153001369
Назначение платежа: за участие в Международном конкурсе "ПАСТЕЛиум".
- By: Super User
- In: Entry Rules
- Hits: 3369
The international pastel artists contest "PASTELium" is open to artists from any country in the world. All participants in the competition have equal rights and are evaluated by jury members according to the same criteria. The contests is held in several countries around the world.
The schedule of exhibitions by country is given in the "Geography of the competition" section.
The contest is held in two stages - semi-final and final. All competitive applications sent to the organizing committee within the specified terms are credited to the semi-final. Except: works that violate social norms, insulting the feelings of believers or politically engaged are not allowed for the contest.

1) Application form (download in format Word, PDF);
2) Labels for each competition entry (download in format Word, PDF);
3) Photo of the author (at least 3x4 cm in size);
4) Photographs of competitive works (not less than 200 dpi, not more than 20 Mb);
5) Copy or screenshot of payment of the registration fee; See the cost of participation in the section:
b) the second notice from the administrator, indicating the "Participant number" assigned by the organizing committee (the number is placed on a label that the Organizing Committee sends to the author). The number of labels corresponds to the number of submitted works.
In the period from February 11 to February 16, 2020, the jury will evaluate the submitted works. The Expert Council / Jury consists of leading pastel artists from Europe, Asia, North and South America, Middle East and Australia. The list of members of the jury of the contest in St. Petersburg will be posted in the section "Jury of the contest in St. Petersburg."
- All works must have a standard design - mat, frame and protection of the work (glass or plastic). The use of museum glass is encouraged. Use of plastic instead of glass is allowed.
- Frames should be neutral in color and shape..
- Passepartout for paintings is allowed in shades of white, gray or black.
- The picture submitted to the exhibition must correspond to the digital image uploaded at the time of application. Otherwise, the organizer may refuse to accept the work.