Emanuela Terragnoli 
Президент Академии искусств города Вероны (Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona)
Краткая автобиография:
website: www.emanuelaterragnoli.com
Born in Verona (Italy) in 1956. Still living and working there.
Emanuela Terragnoli works along an ever-evolving path carried out with passion and enthusiasm as an answer to her inner needs without any cliché or goal.
Her personal style is the result of a mix between both what she learned by studying the master painters of the past and by frequenting contemporary artists.
She has developed a personal pictorial expression of the emotions springing from current events, the wonders of nature and everything life offers.
She prefers to use oil technique and landscapes are her favorite subjects.
He has received awards and acclaim from audiences and critics. His paintings are in private and public collections.
from 1992 has exhibited his paintings in many Italian cities and in Innsbruck (Austria), Pisino (Croazia), Montevideo (Uruguay), London (U.K.), Moscow (Russia)
From December 2018 she is President of “Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona” (she was also President of the same Association from 2013 to 2016 and honorary President from 2016 to december 2018)
Other artistic memberships:
– Società Belle Arti di Verona from 2011
– A.I.A.P.I. – Associazione Internazionale Arti Plastiche Italia – UNESCO Official Partner, from 2019
Who wrote about Emanuela Terragnoli:
Romeo Aracri - poet, art lover and critic - Vibo Valentia (Catanzaro - Italia) Carlo Caporal – painter and journalist – Verona Carla Colombo - painter, poet, art critic - Imbersago (Como) Michele Lanzaro – poet and painter - Nola (Napoli) Gianni Lollis –art historian and curator, President of Società Belle Arti di Verona (prize awards ) Alessio Brugnoli – art curator and critic - Roma Nicoletta Tamanini – art curator and critic, journalist - Trento (prize awards “Feste Vigiliane”) Vera Meneguzzo – art curator and critic, journalist - Verona Sara Rassech - art curator and critic, journalist - Verona Maria Teresa Ferrari - art curator and critic, journalist - Verona (prize award Tavella) Daniel Buso - art curator and critic, Treviso Mirco Vanzo – art critic and journalist - Treviso Alessandro Filippi – President of “Circolo Artistico La Pallade Veliterna" (prize award “Maria Santissima della Carità per la 9^ ediz.Rassegna Arte Sacra” “Polo Espositivo Juana Romani” Velletri, Roma and prize award "Novella Parigini" about paint "Avremo ancora pane" March 2017) Michele Criscuoli – art historian, archaeologist, art critic and curator – Foggia Simone Fappanni – art historian, art critic and curator - Cremona Danilo Castellarin – journalist, Verona, (newspaper “L’Arena” August 4th, 2019, cultural page)
“Dizionario Enciclopedico Internazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea”- Alba editions,2009 Catalogs exhibitions of Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona from 2009 Catalogs exhibitions of Società Belle Arti di Verona from 2011 Catalog “Presepi dal Mondo” – exhibition in Arena, Verona- 2011-2012 Catalog “VITA ITALIA” – Gallery Selenograd, Mosca - 2014 Magazine “Santa Teresa – Padri Carmelitani” Verona- no. 9, September 2012 Catalogs exhibitions “Presepi d’Italia” Massa Martana Perugia- years 2013-2014-2015 Catalog “Biennale d’Arte di Asolo – Itaca Investimenti d’Arte” – “Asolana editions”, 2014 Catalog Fair “Artepadova Art Talent Show” – Editions Antiga 2014 Catalogo Festival Internazionale dell’Arte e della Cultura – SpoletoEuropArt curated by Alina and Olga Okuneva –2015 edition Catalog “Frammenti Contemporanei” – Cà dei Carraresi, Treviso – Artika Events 2016 Catalog Fair “Arte Cremona 2017” Book cover “Mari di grano” of Daniel Varujan, Paoline editions2018 Book cover “Afosie” of Hugo Trety December 2018 –Stimmgraf editions Book “Sguardi sulla Shoah” of Simone Fappanni – FlumenArtis71 – January 2019 Book “La Vostra Arte” of Carla Colombo – June 2019 Book “Scrissi d’Arte” of Simone Fappanni – 2019 catalog LE CANTICHE NELL’ARTE curated by “Accademia d’Arte e Artigianato Artistico di Verona” –FASERVICE Edition – September 2019
Verona, September 6, 2019